
By | 21.10.2019

Online shops

Internet commerce today occupies a leading position in the world. The popularity of online shopping is growing every year and in Belarus. Through the virtual network, you can buy anything, from conventional products for everyday use and ending with rare and exclusive things. For, to acquire the right thing, we do not need to get dozens of shopping centers, purchases can be made at any time, sitting on the couch.

but, for the obvious advantages, we do not always see the cons.

In conducting oversight activities popular online stores Grodno Regional Inspectorate of the State Standard were found violations of requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union with the safety requirements, as well as the labeling requirements.

During the monitoring set, that in the implementation of online shops are dangerous products, It is forbidden to import and circulation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Of prohibited for handling dangerous goods, online stores offer household electrical appliances (grinder, mixers, toasters etc.), which do not comply with the technical regulations of the Customs Union on the security parameters.

In carrying out the monitoring of Internet shops have been established, that the site is provided to the consumer is not all the necessary information about the goods. which necessarily must be brought to the attention of the consumer.

The sale of goods, samples provided by the global Internet, mandatory before signing the contract must be communicated information about the name of the goods, price and terms of payment; warranty period; name (corporate name), place the manufacturer's location, Seller, (artist), as well as in the presence of - organization, carry out activities on the goods imported into the territory of the Republic of Belarus; country of origin, as well as information about the time of delivery, which is communicated to the consumer in a global computer network.

In addition, it should be given orally or at the request of the consumer in writing of regulations Information, establishing requirements for the quality of the goods; information on the main consumer properties of the goods, and in the case of foodstuffs – about the composition, food value, indication, that a food is genetically modified, if it contained genetically modified ingredients, Information about the special properties of foods, including biologically active food additives; recommendations and restrictions on use, including preparation, food when, if their use without these recommendations and (or) restrictions difficult or may cause harm to the health of consumers; date of manufacture, and life, shelf life, an indication of the conditions of storage of goods; information on obligatory acknowledgment of conformity of the goods, subject to mandatory confirmation; quantity or completeness of the goods; сведения о классах энергоэффективности товаров, if their establishment is provided by the legislation, technical regulations of the Customs Union; иные сведения, which in accordance with the technical regulations of CU, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union are required to provide the consumer.

For information, necessary to make a choice when buying goods, contact and register of hazardous products, forbidden to import and (or) circulation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, размещенному на сайте Госстандарта в разделе Реестры.


When implementing consumer goods (performance of works, provision of services) on samples, Product descriptions (works, services), contained in catalogs, Prospectus, advertising, brochures or represented in the photographs, or other information sources, including the World Wide Web, until the conclusion of the contract information, contemplated in subparagraph 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.9, 2.91 and 2.15 points 2 this article, as well as information about the time of delivery of goods (performance of works, services), price and delivery of the goods Payment terms communicated to the consumer in these information sources, including the World Wide Web. The information on the price of goods (work, services) brought in these information sources, including the World Wide Web, font, the size of which should not be less than half the maximum font size, used in the description of the goods (work, services). other information, contemplated in subparagraph 2.2-2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10-2.12, 2.131 and 2.16 points 2 this article, until the conclusion of the agreement can be brought to the attention of the consumer orally or customer's request is brought to its attention in the writing process, a specific agreement between the parties.



  1. Manufacturer (seller, provider, representative, executor) is obliged to provide the consumer with necessary and accurate information about the goods (the works, services), corresponding to the present Law, other acts of legislation, technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union and is usually required in retail trade, domestic and other forms of customer service requirements to the content and methods of such information. On certain types of goods (works, services) list and methods of communicating information to the consumer are established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, unless otherwise established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Information about goods (the works, services) necessarily must contain (except for information, provided clause 8 this article):

2.1. наименование товара (work, services);

2.2. виды и особенности предлагаемых работ (services);

2.3. указание на нормативные документы, establishing requirements for the quality of the goods (work, services) (for goods (work, services), produced by such regulations), unless otherwise provided by the technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union;

2.4. information on the main consumer properties of the goods (the results of, services), and in the case of foodstuffs – about the composition, food value (for products, intended for children, medical and dietary, – calorific value, presence of vitamins), indication, that a food is genetically modified, if it contains genetically modified ingredients (Components), information about specific properties (special nutritional properties, Indications and contraindications to the use of individual age groups, as well as certain diseases) food, including biologically active food additives, the declared properties of specialized food products with documents, confirming the declared properties;

2.5. цену и условия оплаты товаров (works, services), if these conditions are different from the usual conditions of payment of the relevant goods (works, services);

2.6. гарантийный срок, if it is set;

2.7. recommendations and (or) usage restrictions, including preparation, food when, if their use without these recommendations and (or) restrictions difficult or may cause harm to the health of consumers, their property, lead to a reduction or loss of flavor of foods;

2.8. date of manufacture, unless otherwise provided by law, technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, and life, and (or) shelf life, and (or) term storage of goods (the results of), established in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 articles 13 this Act, an indication of the conditions of storage of goods (the results of), if they differ from the normal conditions of storage of relevant goods (the results of) or require special storage conditions, as well as information on necessary actions of the consumer at the end of these terms and possible consequences at default of such actions, if the goods (results) After this time are a danger to life, health, heredity, property of the consumer and the environment or become unsuitable for its intended use;

2.9. наименование (trade name), the manufacturer's location, Seller (artist), а также при наличии – organizations, carry out activities on the goods imported into the territory of the Republic of Belarus for its subsequent implementation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, representative, repair organization; if the manufacturer (seller, representative, performer, repair organization) is a sole proprietor or the goods into the territory of the Republic of Belarus for its subsequent implementation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus was carried out by an individual entrepreneur, – name, given name, patronymic (if any) and place of residence of the individual entrepreneur;

2.91. страну происхождения товара, if it is not the same as finding a place (place of residence) manufacturer;

2.10. information on obligatory acknowledgment of conformity of the goods (of works, provided services), subject to mandatory conformity;

2.11. указание на конкретное лицо, which will do the job (do a favour), and information about it, if it has a value based on the nature of the work (services);

2.12. quantity or completeness of the goods (result of work);

2.13. штриховой идентификационный код, if such a code mandatory labeling of goods provided for by legislation;

2.131. сведения о классах энергоэффективности товаров в случаях, if their establishment is provided by the legislation, technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as according to the energy efficiency of capital structures (buildings, installations) legal requirements, technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union;

2.14. необходимые сведения о правилах и условиях эффективного и безопасного пользования товарами (results of work, services), including care for them, if it has a value based on the nature of the goods (the results of, services);

2.15. указание на использование фонограмм исполнителями музыкальных произведений при проведении культурно-зрелищных мероприятий;

2.16. иные сведения, which in accordance with this Act, other acts of legislation, technical regulations of the Customs Union, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union or the relevant contracts are required to provide the consumer, including information, relating to the treaty and provided at the request of the consumer.