
By | 18.11.2020

"World No Smoking Day.

Prevention of oncological diseases "

No Smoking Day is held annually on the third Thursday of November at the initiative of the International Union Against Cancer. Republican anti-tobacco information and educational campaign, initiated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, dedicated to this day, this year takes place with 16 by 22 November 2020 g.

The aim of the action is the prevention of diseases, причинно связанных с табакокурением, повышение уровня информированности населения в отношении пагубных последствий потребления табака и воздействия табачного дыма, support measures, aimed at protecting the population from the consequences of tobacco consumption.

The problem of tobacco consumption is one of the most important today, since smoking is the reason for more 25 serious diseases, which can be fatal, including oncological, cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary.

Распространенность табакокурения в Беларуси находится на достаточно высоком уровне: currently smokes 30,5% residents of the country, more than half of the population is exposed to secondhand smoke.

Smoking control is a prerequisite for improving public health.