
By | 26.02.2021

On holding a single day of safety

In the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (further - Ministry of Emergency Situations) with 20 February to 1 Martha 2021 of the year is traditionally held the action "Single Day of Safety". Targeted preventive measures to prevent emergencies will take place these days, offenses and crimes, as well as training in behavior in emergency situations, accidents, first aid, hosting an event, aimed at creating and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions.

According to departmental records of the Ministry of Emergencies (as of 05.01.2021) at 2020 g. at the facilities of legal entities (excluding fires in transport) happened 783 fire, from which died 39 person, traumatized - 27. At the facilities of legal entities, subordinate to Gosstandart, пожаров не зарегистрировано.

Of 39 people killed by fire 31 (79,5% of the total) died in the housing stock, 8 (20,5%) - in production, household and auxiliary premises or on the territory of organizations.

During 88,9% (696) cases, the causes of these fires were violations of production and technological discipline, связанные с «человеческим фактором»:

47,1% (369) - careless handling of fire (including. childish prank with fire),

14,7% (115) - violation of the rules for the design and operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment,

12,0% (94) - arson,

8,7% (68) - violation of the rules for the design and operation of furnaces, heat generating units and devices,

2,6% (20) - violation of fire safety requirements during hot work,

2,9% (23) - violation of technological regulations (process),

0,5% (4) - violation of storage rules, use of, manufacturing and transportation of substances and materials,

0,3% (2) - violation of the rules for the operation of gas devices and units,

0,1% (1) - violation of the rules for the operation of pyrotechnic products.

During 35,4% (277) of cases, the direct object of fires was production and warehouse buildings (constructions), 22,5% (176) - housing stock, 10,5% (82) - enterprises serving the population, 3,7% (29) - buildings for temporary residence (residence) of people, 2,8% (22) - objects of new construction, reconstruction and overhaul, 1,0% (8) - entertainment and cultural and educational institutions, 0,8% (6) - educational institutions, 0,6% (5) - scientific and design organizations, management institutions.

Unfortunately, a significant number of accidents were registered in the past year, incurred as a result of the labor activity of employees.

According to the operational data of the Department of the State Labor Inspection, at 2020 году количество производственных несчастных случаев со смертельным исходом составило 139 cases (at 2019 year - 141), established the employer's fault 70 fatal accidents
(at 2019 year - in 63 accidents).

Happened 638 severe industrial accidents (at 2019 year - 710), at 235 of which the employer's fault is established (at 2019 year - 301 accident).

29 industrial accidents occurred as a result of road accidents (at 2019 year -31).

It should be noted, that in one of the organizations, included in the Gosstandart system, fatal accident registered, which occurred directly at the workplace during working hours and is recognized as non-production (caused solely by the victim's illness). At the same time, this fact indicates the need to strengthen control over the physical condition of workers., timeliness of passing the necessary medical examinations, developing other preventive measures, aimed at preserving the life and health of employees of organizations.

A significant number of incidents, leading to loss of health, registered as a result of non-compliance with road safety measures.

During 2020 g. versus 2019 g. in the republic decreased (-0,4%; with 3 567 to 3 554; -13) number of road accidents (further - road accident, car accident) and the number of people wounded in them (-3,7%; with 3 818 to 3 678;
-140). At the same time, the number of people killed in car accidents has increased. (+13,5%; with 505 to 573; +68).

For reference:

В Республике Беларусь реализуется государственная политика в области дорожного движения, one of the main goals of which is to ensure road safety and reduce the level of road traffic injuries. The state is consistently working to improve traffic conditions and create a comfortable and safe road and road infrastructure, as well as targeted preventive measures, contributing to an increase in the level of legal awareness of road users. Traffic safety is monitored on a systematic basis in order to prevent and timely suppress violations of the Road Traffic Regulations., which are the main causes of road traffic injuries.

Thanks to measures, принимаемым государством во взаимодействии с общественностью, in the Republic of Belarus, the level of road safety is consistently increasing and the level of road traffic injuries is decreasing. WITH 2005 g. количество ежегодно погибающих в ДТП людей снизилось в 3 times - by 1 100 person (with 1 673 to 573).

The most common types of road accidents in 2020 g. came:

hitting a pedestrian - 1 246 (2019 g. – 1 286) incidents, or 35,1% of the total number of accidents, in which 235 (210) people died (41,0% от общего числа погибших) and 1 065 (1 123) were injured (29,0% от общего количества раненых);

collision of motor vehicles - 1 059 (2019 g. – 1 045) Accident (29,8%) in which 153 (128) people died (26,7%) and 1 306 (1 385) were injured (35,5%);

single vehicle accidents (rollover, collisions with obstacles (road structures, etc.. P.), animals) – 791 (2019 g. – 745) Accident (22,3%), in which 127 (117) people died (22,2%) and 894 (864) were injured (24,3%).

The largest number of accidents was recorded on Friday (17,6% от общего числа ДТП или 626) and saturday (14,5% or 517; on average by days of the week - 508), fatalities in road accidents - on Saturday (20,1% or 115) and sunday (17,1% or 98; on average by days of the week - 82), wounded - on Friday (17,5% or 645) and saturday (14,6% or 536; on average by days of the week - 525).

By the time of day, accidents were most often recorded during the period from 17 to 22 hours (33,8% or 1 203; on average over the hours of the specified 5-hour interval - 241, full days - 148) and s 7 to 9 hours (13,2% or 468; on average over the hours of the specified 2-hour interval - 234), deaths in road accidents - since 17 to 24 hours (44,7% or 256; on average over the hours of the specified 7-hour interval - 37, full days - 24) and s 6 to 9 hours (12,9% or 74; on average over the hours of the specified 3-hour interval - 25), injuries - with 17 to 22 hours (33,9% or 1 247; on average over the hours of the specified 5-hour interval - 249, full days - 153) and s 7 to 9 hours (13,0% or 478; on average over the hours of the specified 2-hour interval - 239).

The main reasons and conditions, contributing to the commission of an accident in 2020 city, came:

– violation of traffic rules (further - traffic rules) drivers (81,5% of the total number of accidents or 2 897), in t. no.:

1) violation of the rules of passage of pedestrian crossings (19,9% from the number of accidents caused by drivers or 577 (2019 g. – 585), 45 (32) people died and 557 (574) were injured;

2) non-observance of the sequence of passage of intersections (13,2% or 383 (2019 g. – 364), 29 (16) people died and 458 (457) were injured;

3) drunk driving (12,7% or 369 (2019 g. – 360), 115 (93) people died and 389 (404) were injured;

4) exceeding the set speed (12,7% or 369 (2019 g. – 392), 66 (66) people died and 425 (479) were injured;

5) driving a vehicle, without the right to do so (9,8% or 284 (2019 g. – 277), 53 (61) people died and 333 (337) were injured;

6) violation of the rules of maneuvering (9,3% or 269 (2019 g. – 310), 22 (26) people died and 289 (328) were injured;

7) entering the oncoming lane (3,6% or 104 (2019 g. – 91), 34 (21) people died and 130 (117) were injured;

8) disobeying traffic signals, requirements of road signs and markings (2,9% or 84 (2019 g. – 91), 3 (4) people died and 106 (123) were injured;

9) overtaking violation (2,5% or 72 (2019 g. – 64), 15 (20) people died and 94 (96) were injured;

– violation of traffic rules by pedestrians (13,1% of the total number of accidents or 467), in t. no.:

1) intoxicated pedestrian (46,5% from the number of accidents caused by pedestrians or 217 (2019 g. – 215), 81 (79) a person died and 141 (139) were injured;

2) crossing a road in an unidentified place (44,3% or 207 (2019 g. – 162), 50 (45) people died and 165 (121) were injured;

3) disobeying traffic signals (10,0% or 47 (2019 g. – 61), 2 (4) people died and 47 (58) were injured;

4) unexpected exit to the roadway (7,7% or 36 (2019 g. – 48), 2 (2) people died and 34 (46) were injured.

Along with this concomitant factor 28 incidents (0,8% of the total number of accidents) there was a technical malfunction of the vehicle (2019 g. – 21), 22 (0,6%) Traffic accidents - unsatisfactory road condition (2019 g. – 35).

When exercising control over traffic, special attention is paid to the prevention and suppression of violations of traffic rules, which are the main causes of road traffic injuries, resulting in 2020 g. registered:

1 318,8 thousand. overspeeding (of them
1 273,6 thousand. fixed by special technical means operating in automatic mode);

230,0 thousand. facts of non-compliance by drivers with the requirements of traffic control signals, rules of passage of pedestrian crossings, overtaking, maneuvering and other traffic violations, which are the main causes of road traffic injuries;

18,5 thousand. cases of driving a vehicle by a person, intoxicated, transfer of control of a vehicle to such a person or refusal to undergo an inspection (survey), entailing administrative responsibility (по фактам совершения данных правонарушений повторно в течение года возбуждено 944 criminal cases);

54,7 thousand. facts of driving a person, не имеющим на то права;

81,8 thousand. traffic violations by pedestrians and other road users (cyclists, carters, passengers).

Tasks of the "Single Day of Safety" - the development of a culture of life safety in society, conducting educational work and promoting safe living conditions and work activities of the population.

During the period of the action, the emergency authorities will organize exercises and trainings to respond to emergencies of a natural and man-made character in an explosion, fire-, chemically hazardous facilities, objects with mass presence of people. Notification system checks planned, including via SMS, broadcasting messages from the Ministry of Emergency Situations on television and radio, practicing safe conduct during evacuation from buildings.

In addition to government (General Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of housing and utilities, Ministry of Culture) and local governments, participation in the action, usually, accepted by various organizations and public associations: Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, RGOO "Belarusian Voluntary Fire Society", Belarusian Red Cross Society, RGOO "OSVOD", RPO "Belaya Rus" and PA "Belarusian Republican Youth Union".