
By | 18.06.2020

Charger can be dangerous.!

Almost everyone in the modern world uses chargers to "restore strength" of their mobile phone. The distribution network is widely represented by a variety of universal chargers that vary in shape, color, connecting sockets, as well as characteristics. Certainly, in such devices the necessary level of insulation protection must be provided, and the consumer must be provided with information for the safe use of the equipment for its intended purpose: main parameters and characteristics, правила и условия безопасной эксплуатации (use of), name and location of manufacturer (person authorized by the manufacturer), importer, information to contact them, name of country, where is the equipment manufactured, month and year of manufacture. Also, in the case of a universal charger, it is important to choose it correctly according to the characteristics. After all, if used improperly, либо при резком скачке напряжения в сети есть вероятность того, that a low-quality or unsuitable charger, will not stand, и может произойти его чрезмерный нагрев, damage, what could cause a fire.

Гродненской областной инспекцией Госстандарта при проведении надзорных мероприятий в торговой сети г.Лида выявлены универсальные зарядные устройства находившиеся в реализации, which did not meet the requirements: technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the safety of low-voltage equipment” (TR TS 004/2011) on the requirements of the components and resistance to excessive heat, as well as the dielectric strength - during testing when subjected to high voltage between the primary and secondary circuit insulation breakdown occurred; technical regulation of the Customs Union "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means" (TR TS 020/2011) generated by electromagnetic interference: quasi-peak and average interference voltage at the mains terminals exceeded allowable levels.

shopping facilities, which was implemented in these products, issued bans on its implementation, Chargers are prohibited for import and circulation into the territory of the Republic of Belarus, action regarding the assessment of the documents discontinued. Importer of improper chargers notified, that such products should be removed from the shopping facilities, in which he had already put their.

Grodno Oblast Inspectorate of Gosstandart calls on trade entities to be constantly guided in their work by the Register of Dangerous Products, It is forbidden to import and circulation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, located on the site State Committee for Standardization, for the presence of products sold by them in it. The register is replenished as hazardous products are detected in the Republic of Belarus.