

Minutes of the meeting

Anti-Corruption Commissions

Grodno Regional Inspectorate


from 28.12.2021 №3

План работы комиссии по противодействию коррупции

Grodno regional inspection Gosstandard

(Further – Inspection) in 2022

name of eventDeadlinePerformers
1. Meetings Commission on Anti-Corruption.June 2022 December 2022Head of Inspectorate  
2. Контроль за своевременным представлением деклараций о доходах и имуществе государственными служащими и членами их семей.to 1 March 2022Chief of information-analytical and legal work, старший инспектор по правовой работе службы информационно-аналитической и правовой работы
3. Conducting a lecture (seminar) on the prevention of corruption offenses with the participation of specialists from law enforcement or other state bodiesfirst half 2022 of the yearHead of Inspectorate  
4.Carrying out a test of knowledge of the main provisions of anti-corruption legislation during the certification of inspectorate employeesянварь 2022 годаАттестационная комиссия
5. In order to prevent situations, in which the personal interests of the worker, his wife (spouse), close relatives or in-laws influence or may influence the proper performance by this employee of his labor duties when he makes a decision or participates in making a decision or performing other actions at work, avoided spouses, relatives and in-laws on a post, work is connected with direct subordination or controllability of one of them to another (The site collects and processes anonymous data about visitors, when such a ban is set right legislation). The ability of each such appointment be considered at a meeting of anti-corruption commission with the adoption of a reasoned decisionconstantlyChief of information-analytical and legal work, старший инспектор по правовой работе службы информационно-аналитической и правовой работы, Anti-Corruption Commission
6. Conducting an inventory of assets, liabilities and precious metals in order to document the existence of, status and valuation of assets (including unaccounted for).December 2022 of the yearГлавный бухгалтер группы бухгалтерского учёта и отчетности, annual inventory committee
7. In order, established by Article 21 Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Combating Corruption", public officials to report in writing to the head of the occurrence of or potential conflict of interest in connection with the performance of official (job duties)  constantlyРуководители структурных подразделений инспекции
8. Generalization and analysis of information on violations of anti-corruption legislation, received from law enforcement and regulatory authorities, other state bodies and organizationsas information becomes availableКомиссия по противодействию коррупцию
9.   Analysis of citizens' appeals for the presence of information about the facts of corruption in the field of activity of the inspection. При поступлении такой информации незамедлительно информировать комиссию по противодействию коррупцииconstantlyКомиссия по противодействию коррупцию    
10.For each identified violations of anti-corruption legislation to consider the question of the responsibility of both parties, violated the law, and individuals, omission which facilitated the breachconstantlyКомиссия по противодействию коррупцию
11.Внесение предложений для включения в план работы комиссии по противодействию коррупции Госстандарта на 2023 yearDecember 2022 Anti-Corruption Commission
12.Development and approval of the Work Plan of the Commission for Combating Corruption in the Inspectorate for 2023 yearDecember 2022Anti-Corruption Commission