Not a single New Year's holiday passes without bright illumination., it would be decorated window of the apartment, house roof or tree. In the pre-New Year period, sellers of New Year's electric LED paraphernalia come to life (fairy lights, lamps, spotlights). But often all these bright lights can carry a hidden danger to our home., as the product is low voltage equipment. Choosing electric garlands, pay attention not only to design and color scheme, but also focus on their safety.
During the New Year holidays, the Grodno Regional Inspectorate of the State Standard conducted a number of monitorings in the markets and shopping facilities of the city of Grodno and the Grodno region to identify low-quality and dangerous products (electric garlands, stars, lamps, searchlights), in respect of which there are mandatory requirements for compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, Eurasian Economic Union.
So in many shopping facilities violations of quality and safety have been established., without marking and operational documents, without documents confirming compliance, low-quality products are prohibited for sale.
The Grodno Regional Inspectorate of the State Standard recommends that the consumer, first of all, before buying an LED electric garland, pay attention, so that the purchased products are marked in a place accessible for inspection without disassembly using a tool, legible and easy to read. Consumer (user) the necessary level of information must be provided for the safe use of low voltage equipment for its intended purpose. After all, there are garlands, which can only be used indoors, but also for the street. Street garlands can be safely turned on indoors, and here are the Christmas garlands, designed exclusively for indoor use, cannot be used outdoors. Their weaker moisture protection and thin wires are not able to withstand the vagaries of the weather., which will inevitably lead to a short circuit., and close to the fire. Pay attention to the length of the cable between the plug and the first lamp socket., which according to GOST, must be at least 1,5 m. Do not be lazy to request documents confirming the quality and safety, and in their absence, find a more honest seller.
Before connecting the device for decorative lighting to the mains, carefully read the instructions for use.. Decorating the house and Christmas tree, it is necessary to check the condition of the insulation and contacts, because cracked, damaged insulation, unprotected wires can cause dangerous electrical shock or fire.
Keep in mind the safety of children, LED electric garlands are not a toy and carry a danger.