Daily Archives: 11.04.2019


Акция «Неделя леса» Акция «Неделя леса» С 13 by 20 April 2019 g. on the initiative of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus will be held Republican voluntary action "Forest Week". The event is timed to the Year of the small country and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders. This year the promotion will take place in 12 time. Мероприятие пользуется интересом у населения: только… Read More »


Low-freezing windshield fluid - the buyer runs the risk of health! A pledge of good visibility, and therefore, safe trip - clean the glass machine. When the heat is on the street, their well water washes, but it freezes in winter. Therefore, the only way - to use special fluids. This is useful even in the summer - they are effectively removed from the glass is not only dirt, но и следы от мошкары… Read More »