
By | 12.05.2021

15 May International Family Day

The family is the most important unit of society. The existence of the state is impossible without it.. Therefore, those countries, who care about their own development, do not pass by 15 May - Family Day. After all, for civilization to develop, first of all, families must be strong.

As part of the 2021 year of the Year of National Unity, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection initiates a republican action "My family is my country", timed to celebrate 15 May in the Republic of Family Day.

The goal of the republican action "My family is my country" -
increasing the importance of the social institution of the family as the basis of the state, strengthening intergenerational ties, popularizing the image of a strong, prosperous family.

history of the holiday

For the first time they thought about such a holiday in 1989 year.

UN Committee put forward the idea of ​​creating a date, dedicated to the small community. On this day, it was planned to cover the most pressing topics of family relations and create a plan for solving problems with public forces.. This idea was not supported by all states..

However, in the early 90s, the number of divorces began to rise sharply.. And in 1993 year, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 15 May - the official date of the international day of families.

20.09.1993 the main deliberative body of power in the UN issued a resolution, concerning this holiday.

The Russian Federation began to celebrate this day with 1995 of the year.

The importance of the family

Adequate perception of the world around and the acquisition of correct moral attitudes, certain character traits - all this in a person is laid in a narrow circle of close people. A person only in a family can get warm, love and affection. За весь процесс социализации личности ответственность несут в первую очередь родители.

A strong family is the key to the well-being of the entire population on the planet. Therefore, the state needs to show great concern for this unit of society.. 15 May - Family Day - encourages everyone on the planet to think, in what conditions do families today live?, are they raising children well, how to overcome life difficulties, getting in the way.

Sometimes you need a reason, to remember the parental home, children, family values ​​and their ancestry. For these purposes, a certain day was allocated.. Ensuring the transfer of traditions from generation to generation is one of the main functions of a social unit. Its importance cannot be understated in society.. She must be raised on the basis of a complete family.

Why this holiday is special?

World family day 15 May is gaining popularity every year. Those questions, which were affected on the day of the festival, then throughout the year are decided at the top of the state. This moment significantly distinguishes Family Day from many other holidays., which are remembered only on the day of the event.

Family Day is a very important and quite popular holiday.. Any such event has a positive effect on the relationship of its members and brings them closer.. And the celebrations, dedicated to this very cell of society, the more they will contribute to its cohesion. We can safely say, that the idea of ​​creating such an event was successfully implemented. Although the holiday is still young, he already has his own traditions.

Often, an exhibition of books for family reading is organized on this date..

During 2011 g. the following books were presented at such an event, dedicated to the holiday:

  • P. Johnson "How to Reeducate Parents" (2009 city);
  • ABOUT. Grosheva "Slavkin's stories 1.2" (2009 city);
  • A. Prefix "Flying Auntie" (2007 city);
  • M. Goncharova "Kangaroo in a jacket" (2011 city).

Recommended 5 films, which should be seen on this day:

  • "Family man" (2000 city);
  • The Strange Life of Timothy Green (2012 city);
  • "We are the Millers" (2013 city);
  • "Marley and me" (2009 city);
  • The Addams Family (1991 city).