
By | 28.04.2021

World Day for Safety and Health at Work - 28 April 2021 of the year

Annually 28 April, the International Labor Organization celebrates World Day for Safety and Health at Work to help prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace around the world.

Мероприятия, направленные на привлечение внимания к проблемам в области охраны труда, необходимости снижения числа травм, diseases and deaths, labor related, проводятся в большинстве крупных организаций Беларуси.

Предвидеть кризис и быть готовым к нему — ИНВЕСТИРОВАТЬ СЕЙЧАС В АДЕКВАТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ ОХРАНЫ ТРУДА — тема Всемирного дня охраны труда 28 April 2021 of the year (original - Anticipate, prepare and respond to the crises — INVEST NOW IN RESILIENT OSH SYSTEMS).

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to, that governments, employers, workers and the general public are facing unprecedented challenges from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and multiple consequences, which it brought to the labor market. World Day for Safety and Health at Work focuses on strategies to strengthen national OSH systems to build resilience to crises now and in the future, drawing on lessons learned and global experience.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of the world of work, from the risk of transmission of the virus in the workplace to the risks in the field of occupational safety and health, resulting from measures to mitigate the effects of the spread of the virus. Transition to new forms of labor organization, massive transition to telecommuting, eg, opened up many opportunities for employees, but also created potential health and safety risks, including psychosocial risks.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2021 year devoted to the use of elements of the labor protection system, set out in Convention No. 187 on the promotion of occupational safety and health. The World Day Report addresses, how the current crisis demonstrates the importance of strengthening these OSH systems, including labor protection services, both nationally, and at the corporate level.

The International Labor Organization will use this opportunity to raise awareness and stimulate dialogue on the importance of building and investing in sustainable OSH systems., relying on both regional, and country examples of mitigating and preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.