
By | 31.03.2020

"There is too" new "vision

Grodno Regional Inspectorate of the State Standard in the first quarter of this year, monitored institutions, providing medical services on a commercial basis.

В поле зрения инспекции попала одна из клиник города Гродно.

The name of the clinic many on hearing. sometimes it seems, that the paid service will be provided more efficiently and quickly, because we are paying for it a lot of money. But in the process of monitoring it was found, that the clinic, while ensuring the protection of life and human health is not used last verification in accordance with established procedure of measuring instruments: patient monitors, electrocardiograph, Oxygen pressure gauge and a set of trial spectacle lenses NPOLb-254 "Orion M". Гродненской областной инспекцией Госстандарта по факту выявленных нарушений были выданы рекомендации по их устранению. The recommendations set deadline, said means of measurement were believed.

And all would be nothing, but as a result of verification set NPOLb-254 "Orion M" trial spectacle lenses were rejected 36 lens from this kit of reasons cracks, coarse scratches and the deviations from the nominal value of the vertex refraction. Assuming, The lenses used in the selection of corrective glasses by subjective tests, and can be used in carrying out a number of other ophthalmic research, надо понимать важность того, lenses of any quality and metrological characteristics are used in the diagnosis of our vision.