
By | 15.03.2021

15 Consumer Day is celebrated in Belarus in March, which this year is held under the motto: "Fighting Plastic Pollution"

Until recently, the Belarusian public catering needed a truly huge number of disposable plastic products - 200 million pieces per year. First of all, it was about cups, caps for them and spoons. At the same time, the volume of imports of disposable products significantly exceeded the demand for them of the Belarusian public catering. For instance, in plates, imports exceeded the need for 92,5 fold. And by containers, boxes, trays and other products for storing products - more than 8 thousand (!) time.

Another important figure on the topic. During 2019 year in Belarus was buried 65% waste polymers, including disposable plastic dishes. It's about 183 thousand tons of garbage. Only 35% of such waste the country was able to collect and recycle.

In this way, ecology and the environment have until recently been under pressure from plastic tableware, and the market was skewed towards imports.

As a result, the authorities had to take "immediate" measures, to influence the situation, including introducing a direct ban on plastic.

List of such dishes, which cannot be used and sold, defined by MART in Resolution No. 14 from 19 February 2020 , the number 14: the following types of disposable plastic dishes are prohibited for use and sale in public catering facilities: forks, spoons, knives, sticks for stirring drinks, glasses, plates, tubules (straws) for drinks, food and catering packaging (containers, trays, boxes, lunch boxes, corrections, banks, bottle), excluding packaging for semi-finished products and confectionery, cups.

We are talking about products and objects, completely made of polymer materials (excluding natural polymers, which have not been chemically modified).

Disposable tableware and packaging, made of cardboard (other environmentally friendly materials), laminated with polymeric materials and / or containing plastic decorative elements, not included in this list.

If the culinary department and other similar objects for the sale of catering products, located in the shopping area of ​​the store (pavilion), which is a retail outlet, are part of it and are part of it, then the ban on the use and sale of disposable plastic tableware will not apply to them.

Prohibition of use and sale with 1 January 2021 g. in catering facilities, disposable plastic tableware does not apply to disposable plastic caps and lids for glasses and other containers, intended for packaging products. The same applies to packaging for prepackaged culinary and confectionery products., including those intended for further implementation.

Why plastic is dangerous for the environment

According to various sources, the period of its decomposition in soil is from 50 to 500 years». The incineration of such garbage has a very negative effect on nature.. So, combustion of polymers in large volumes releases dioxins into the air. These toxic substances have a negative effect on humans., plants and animals. PVC products cannot be burned at all, because when they burn, they release hydrogen chloride.

The global problem of our time is the pollution of the world's waters with plastic. So, according to the research of the world ocean, the total weight of plastic, which floats freely, is over 270 thousand. tons. And in the waters of the Pacific Ocean a "garbage" island was formed, whose area reaches 15 million. km2. All this leads to an increase in the mortality of marine animals., because they mistake plastic for food, which leads to their death. It's not just fish, but also birds.

Why plastic is dangerous for humans

Scientists from America managed to prove, that plastic dishes have a detrimental effect on the human body. Substances, which are released from plastic containers when they come into contact with food or water, poorly excreted from the body and negatively affects it. Furniture and windows also give off harmful substances., but the dishes have the strongest effect, after all, it is most often directly used by a person. Bottled water is the most dangerous, carbonated drinks, which were stored in a container for a long time. So, using PVC containers can lead to cancer. This is due to the fact, that the material induces carcinogenic substances, which accumulate in the body. Besides, chemical substances, which are in plastic, can lead to allergies, infertility, diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity.

The most dangerous types of plastic

What kind of plastic is the most dangerous, which can be used and which should be avoided altogether?

Polyethylene tereflatate /PET. It is used to make water bottles, drinks, vegetable oil, sauces. It is recommended not to reuse this container., because it will release phthalate. This substance has a negative effect on the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems.

High density polyethylene /HDPE. Used for making bags, bottles for dairy products, food containers. Can be used multiple times, however is capable of releasing formaldehyde, which affect the work of the respiratory and nervous system.

Polyvinyl chloride /PVC. It is used for the manufacture of food containers and films, windows, furniture, stretch ceilings and children's toys. Have a very negative effect on the entire human body.

Low density polyethylene /LDPE. Garbage bags are made of it for packaging for household chemicals and equipment.. Releases formaldehyde on decomposition and heating. In other cases, harmless.

Polypropylene / PP. Used for making cups, baby juices, tubules, diapers, baby food packaging. Practically harmless.

Polystyrene / PS. Material for making disposable spoons, forks, knives, containers for eggs, cups, foam and disc boxes. Products can only be used once. With repeated use, releases styrene when heated or decomposed. Substance, which negatively affects the blood, nervous system, also on the liver and kidneys.

To avoid the harmful effects of plastic, try to minimize its use. Use environmentally friendly packaging: rag bags instead of packages, glass bottles instead of plastic.