To 26 July 2024 g. consumers can evaluate products applying for the State Quality Mark based on aesthetics

By | 07.06.2024

This can be done online in the thematic section “State Quality Mark” on the portal “QUALITY.BEL” -

Information expressiveness is taken into account when assessing, harmony, rationality of form, perfect execution and design of products, etc..

Each consumer can take part in the vote only once (repeat voting will not be counted).

Additional information and advice can be obtained from the secretariat of the Product Evaluation Commission: st. Innovative, d. 2AND, to. 428, 220053, g. Minsk, language: +375 17 269 69 54, +375 17 269 69 64,

It should be noted, that the State Quality Mark is assigned to food products, industrial goods for the population, products for industrial and technical purposes, produced by legal entities of the Republic of Belarus and corresponding to the following quality indicators: security, environmental friendliness, innovativeness, manufacturability, aesthetics.

The assessment of the first four indicated indicators is carried out by responsible bodies in accordance with their competence: Gosstandart, Ministry of Natural Resources, GKNT, sectoral government bodies. For this purpose, they develop and approve appropriate instructions.

Aesthetics indicator is assessed by consumers.

Currently, the regional and Minsk city executive committees have already sent sets of applications to Gosstandart, received from enterprises for the assignment of products with the State Quality Mark.

In total, applications from over 200 enterprises of the country for more than 600 product names.

Products are nominated in all three categories.

The stage of its evaluation based on quality indicators has now begun., which will last until 1 August 2024 g.