
By | 15.11.2021

WITH 18 by 25 November 2021 g. an information and educational campaign is being held in the Republic of Belarus “World no smoking day. Cancer prevention.”

Annually initiated by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) No Smoking Day is held on the third Thursday of November to encourage all smokers to quit this addiction, to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Tobacco smoking is a type of chemical addiction, связанной с вдыханием табачного дыма.

The smoking process is, that through a burnt and slowly smoldering tobacco (in the tube, cigarettes, cigarettes) air is sucked in, and combustion products along with it enter the lungs. Respiratory organs take the very first blow from tobacco poisons. Smoking for one minute is equivalent to inhaling exhaust gases for four minutes.

Причины никотиновой зависимости – это комбинация поступления в кровь наркотика никотина и генетической особенности конкретного человека. And it doesn't matter at all, how did nicotine get into the brain. There are several options for, how can nicotine be consumed, стать зависимым от него и поддерживать эту зависимость:

курение (smoking) - all regular cigarettes and hookah;

парение (vaping) - all electronic cigarettes of all generations;

тление (IQOS);

жевание – никотиновые жвачки, nasvai;

интраназально – назальный спрей или нюхательный табак;

сосание – никотиновые леденцы;

аппликация на кожу – трансдермальные никотиновые пластыри.

Today tobacco is the most widespread and proven human carcinogen.. Tobacco smoke contains more 4 thousands of chemical compounds, out of which 43 are known carcinogens.

According to the World Health Organization, smoking is the cause of about 40% general mortality of the population and the main cause of premature death, avoidable.

The combustion products of tobacco damage almost all systems and organs in our body.. Влияние курения на организм приводит к следующим состояниям:

disruption of the lungs and bronchi: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, lung sclerosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, хрипы в лёгких, chronic cough, increased risk of developing pneumonia;

decreased fertility (fertility) and potency in men and women;

non-healing wounds and rotting of body parts;

osteoporosis, increased risk of bone fracture;

periodontitis, loss of all teeth, gum damage;

developmental vision loss cataracts and retinal detachment;

stomach ulcer and duodenum.

diseases of the cardiovascular system - filling of blood vessels with cholesterol, development of aortic aneurysm, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke.

In a special place among diseases, smoking-related, malignant neoplasms are. Currently, the connection between tobacco smoking and 18 forms of cancer in humans. Primarily lung cancer, esophagus, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx. Tobacco use is associated with a high incidence of bladder and pancreatic cancer and fewer – kidney cancer, stomach, breast, cervix, nasal cavity, etc..

Many of the world's leading oncologists have concluded, что борьба с курением и полный отказ от табака обеспечит снижение заболеваемости раком легкого не менее чем на 30 %.

Bronchopulmonary system cancer

The likelihood of developing a malignant lung tumor depends on the age of starting smoking, experience and number of smoked cigarettes: the more cigarettes smoked per day, the longer the smoking experience and the younger the age of starting smoking, the higher the risk of disease. Established, what do smokers a day have more 1 packs of cigarettes the risk of lung cancer is higher, than non-smokers, 15–25 times, but hard smokers, smokers 2 and more packs of cigarettes per day, higher in 60 time.

Наиболее высокая вероятность заболеть раком легкого отмечается у курильщиков после 20-летнего стажа курения. For men, who started smoking before the age of 15 years», risk of dying from lung cancer 3,4 times higher than those, who started smoking when they were older 25 years». Для женщин этот риск выше в 2,4 fold.

Oral cavity and pharyngeal cancer

Риск развития рака полости рта и глотки у курящих выше в 2–3 раза в сравнении с некурящими. And those, who smokes more 1 packs of cigarettes a day, the risk of cancer of these organs is higher in 10 time.

The incidence of oral cancer in the last 10 years has almost doubled: if in 2011 year revealed about 100 cases of oral cancer, then in 2020 - about 200 cases, of them 92% приходится на мужчин.

Esophageal carcinoma

По сравнению с некурящими риск возникновения рака пищевода у курящих в 5 times higher.

Cancer mortality

According to the International Cancer Union (UICC) Today 30% all cancer deaths are related to smoking.

Second hand smoke

Smoking causes significant harm to the health of the smoker. Unfortunately, not everyone understands, that tobacco smoke is dangerous not only for the smoker, but also for those, who is next to him. A significant part of the population is exposed to secondhand smoke. Scientists have calculated, that being in a smoky room during the working day exposes a non-smoker to the same risk of illness, as a person, выкурившего по 5 сигарет в день.

AND, change, that the main measure to prevent the harmful effects of smoking on the human body is a complete cessation of smoking and avoidance of prolonged exposure to smokers.

(based on materials from the websites of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, State Institution “Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education”, Brest Regional Executive Committee)