
By | 13.07.2018

On the trade market


With the onset of summer has become noticeably more people, selling products from the garden and gather in the forest. sale of fruit, vegetables, mushrooms and berries is carried out near the shops, markets and other unidentified locations for trade. Products in such outlets are sold without documents, confirming their quality and safety. Making purchases in places - we risk to their health.

For, so you can buy high-quality and safe products, in the city and district centers organized market trade. All products, implemented on organized markets, passes laboratory control. For these purposes, the markets are functioning laboratory of veterinary-sanitary examination, and markets supervisors shall ensure that, so you bought a high-quality and safe products. Conduct an independent laboratory of veterinary-sanitary examination of products and will issue an opinion on the results of tests. Thus, you ensure the quality and safety of products, or learn about, that this product should not be consumed.

The procedure for conducting veterinary and sanitary examination of products of animal and vegetable origin in the markets, sampling rates, necessary for its implementation, and the procedure for processing its results are determined by the veterinary and sanitary rules.

Also, products of animal origin are subject to mandatory veterinary and sanitary examination., all types of freshwater, sea ​​fish, fish products. The sale of these products without a veterinary and sanitary examination is prohibited..

Also, don't forget about temperatures., under which products are sold. You can often see the sale of canned fish and meat in the markets at the air temperature outside. +25 °С and above, when the temperature conditions for such products, during storage and sale are set from minus to +18 WITH (for each product, the storage conditions are indicated on the label).

A similar situation occurs in the sale of perfumery and cosmetic products.. In accordance with Article 3 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products", standard storage conditions for perfumery and cosmetic products are: -storage temperature for liquid products - not lower than 5 °С and not higher 25 WITH; for hard toilet soap - no lower minus 5 WITH, for other perfumery and cosmetic products - not less than 0 °С and not higher 25 WITH, as well as the lack of direct exposure to sunlight. Non-observance of temperature regimes during storage and sale leads to a change in the quality indicators of these products. And each of us has the right to make our own choice.: buy products of dubious quality, or not.

But there are also innovations in the rules for the creation and functioning of markets, stipulated by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 14 June 2018 , the number 452. Документ принят для приведения законодательства в соответствие с Указом № 337 «О регулировании деятельности физических лиц» и Декретом № 7 "On the Development of Entrepreneurship".

Снят запрет на продажу на рынках домашних кондитерских изделий и готовой кулинарной продукции, в том числе герметически упакованных консервированных продуктов. Теперь домашние кондитеры и кулинары могут законно реализовывать собственную продукцию на рынках, and, hence, администрации рынков должны выделять торговые зоны для продажи таких изделий и продукции. Торговые зоны, где реализуется продукция домашних кондитеров и кулинаров, должны обозначаться вывеской с соответствующей информацией и данными о том, что изделия не имеют документов об их качестве и безопасности, не прошли ветеринарный контроль и ветеринарно-санитарную экспертизу.

Grodno Regional Inspectorate of the State Standard informs, что в настоящее время существует запрет на реализацию физическими лицами кишечного сырья, крови, вяленого и сыровяленого мяса, рубленых мясных полуфабрикатов и других изделий из мяса, не доведенных до кулинарной готовности.